Identify Yourself!
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Marriage Details (optional)             [Click Here]
Color Preferences                           [Click Here]

What do your favorite colors reveal about you? Help me delve deep into your subconscious by listing them here. (Gee, it's dark and scary in here!)

Psychic Lottery Picks                      [Click here]

Use your psychic powers to pick the winning lottery numbers

Think very hard
See those numbers in your mind
Baby needs some new shoes.
Looking good
Double check to be sure! I need a few new toys.
Hunting You Down                          [Click Here]

If I don't like your answers, where can I hunt you down and berate you?

Are you sure that's REALLY your email address?
If someone by the name of 'scary form guy' calls collect, be sure to accept the charges
I may want to hack your site, so please provide your server password below.
Thank you for sharing